7 Weeks (Joey held the camera crooked)
8 Weeks (I thought I was getting bigger so I took it a week early)
10 Weeks
Another 10 Week a little closer up.
Those are the belly pics thus far. I definitely have gotten bigger lately. But I don't mind, I love that my baby is wanting to be seen. :) I went to the doctor today for a checkup. Everything looked great. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat via doppler. It was a little difficult for the nurse to find, Baby Antebellum was moving around quite a bit. He/she just grew muscles and I guess was trying to get a good workout in. The heartbeat was 167 beats per minute. Dr.Adams said that is picture perfect healthy heart rate. Yay!! I am exactly 10 weeks today. What a relief! Dr.Adams also said weeks 8-10 are the worst for symptoms and soon should subside. So I feel super blessed because I have symptoms.. but are minimal and very easy to deal with. So.. I would like to take this time to thank Jesus for helping me and baby feel good. But also I want to send Jesus a reminder that it is fine to give me more symptoms.. just keep Baby Antebellum healthy.
We scheduled me next two appointments today. I think at the next one they will start to measure me. I am very excited for that (is that weird?). And then June 10th I am scheduled for a sonogram to find out what this little jelly bean inside of me is. Please feel free to leave a comment on what you think it might be. I have NO CLUE! I have had a lot of dreams that I have a boy. I even had a dream at the end of December that I delivered a baby boy and they handed him to me in a santa suit. The baby was soo cute, with blond hair and was so little. So in January I actually bought a baby santa suit because I felt like Jesus was sending me a message. But.. who know. I am so anxious to find out though!!