Saturday, February 28, 2009

Maybe A Little Something

For months I have been looking at this blog. I would look at it and want so badly to write on it. But like I had said before, I was waiting to start writing again until my womb was occupied. Truth be told, for approx 2 weeks my womb was occupied. I found out I was pregnant on February 4th and started bleeding on February 5th. Darn you aunt flo. She loves me so much that she just can't stay away. Maybe I should start buying the non fluffy pillows, make her less comfortable. Needless to say... I was devastated. I wanted that beautiful little bean more than I can ever attempt to explain. But I do believe that things happen for a reason, so I have glued my heart back together and decided to get back to work. It is a bit difficult these days because nearly everyone who has decided to start trying have been impregnated on the first try. THE FIRST TRY! How does that happen?! BLAH! I am happy for them though. Jesus knows how sucky this route of TTCing is! Since the last time I wrote I have quit doing some things though. Such as: I quit praying for things that don't warrant a prayer. Such as... when I am driving in my car and am having an irritable bowel attack, I no longer pray that I can make it home without pooping in my pants or my car. If I poop in my pants... I poop in my pants. I am not going to waste a cherished prayer that could be used to help me get pregnant on not pooping in my car! I also have quit wishing. I don't wish on 11:11 anymore. Its pointless and disappointing. I have, however, started to pray almost 3 times a day. I pray to our wonderful Jesus and also to Saint Gerard. I have decided that next time I get pregnant I will name the little sticky bean Gerard. It will hold the name Gerard until the sex is decided, at which time the adorable sticky bean will then be called by thier name (Anthony, Dominic or Adrianna). Alright.. enough about that! I will be sure to post more before too long.

Here is a picture of what my baby looked like before Aunt Flo evicted him/her. Shes a jerk. (Important to note- my baby was not as sticky as this one)